Global Journal of Medicinal Plants Research

Phenetic and Medicinal Properties of Senna didymobotrya (Fresen.) H. S. Irwin & Barneby in Kenya. A review paper

Abstract: While industrialized nations are increasingly embracing complementary and alternative medicine, underdeveloped nations have long utilized herbal medicine. The East African plant, S. didymobotrya is promising due to its distinct phenotypic traits and potential medical uses. Therefore, this work reviews the phenetic and therapeutic characteristics of S. didymobotrya. This shrub is indigenous to East Africa and is a member of the Fabaceae family. Phenotypically, S. didymobotrya stands out with its clusters of vivid yellow flowers, complex leaves, and thin stems. The leaves have a unique scent due to their high concentration of essential oils, especially 2,6-dimethyl-7-octen-2-ol. The smell of popcorn permeates the plant, which is immediately recognisable even from a distance and is caused by this volatile chemical. African traditional healers have long used different components of the plant to cure a wide range of illnesses, from skin issues to gastrointestinal diseases. Common preparations for the leaves and roots include infusions or decoctions, which work well as cures for indigestion, constipation, and stomach discomfort. The plant's laxative effects come from sennosides A and B, which have a lot of anthraquinone and help you go to the bathroom by moving your intestines around and making more fluids. S. didymobotrya exhibits encouraging pharmacological potential in addition to its customary applications. Recent studies have emphasised its antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties, suggesting potential wider medicinal uses. The results have proven the plant's extracts to have inhibitory effects against a variety of harmful bacteria and fungi, suggesting the development of natural antibacterial drugs. Additionally, its antioxidant activity may aid in the fight against oxidative stress and related disorders, and its anti-inflammatory qualities may prove beneficial in the treatment of ailments including dermatitis and arthritis.


Keywords: Senna, Pharmacology, Phenetic, medicinal, Kenya.