Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

English Language Teachers’ Representations in the Military Scope


Accepted 21st May, 2016


French Discourse Analysis has been developing in France since the 1960s, pioneered by Bachelard and Canguilhem. In this text, Glyn Williams presents an account of the emergence and development of French Discourse Analysis and the contribution which both sociology and linguistics make to the social construction of meaning. Williams seeks to develop a language based method that corresponds to the theoretical force of post-structuralism. He guides the reader through the general history of structuralism and post-structuralism before covering the different stages in the development of French Discourse Analysis between 1965 and the present. The theoretical background of this research is based on French Discourse Analysis. This research aims at identifying imaginary representations of the civil and military English teachers from Escola de Especialistas de Aeronáutica (EEAR), considering their speaking activities choices to the students from the Air Traffic Control course. The analysis were made based on the theories of French Discourse Analysis and the results show that there are no differences among the English language teachers from EEAR or that, if these differences exist, they could not be noticed in their speech being not significant enough, as being a ‘teacher’ is the position they occupy in society.


Keywords: Imaginary representations, teachers, English language, speaking activities.