Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

Students Perception about the Educational and other Effects of Mobile Phone Usage in the University for Development Studies


Accepted 20th August, 2018.


This paper sought to look at the perception of the educational and other possible effects of mobile phones usage among students in tertiary institutions of Ghana.  Specifically, it looked at the case of the University for Development Studies (UDS).  We all know that communication can take many forms: verbal, gestures, facial expressions, written and through mobile phones usage.  Currently, almost everyone has a mobile phone, so communication via mobile phones has become the most popular and fastest way to communicate. Nevertheless, like every good thing which comes with its associated effects, mobile phones are no exception.  Research shows that excessive use of mobile phones has their corresponding results. Apart from the harmful effects of using mobile phones, there are lots of positive outcomes as can be seen in the literature on the use of mobile phones.  The findings from the research showed that the three topmost educational impacts of mobile phones on students are that mobile phones can be used in cheating during examinations.  Secondly, using mobile phones during lectures can cause distraction, and thirdly, students use mobile phones for their class assignments.  Results of the investigation also showed that mobile phone usage has other possible effects which may either be positive or negative.  Some adverse effects that are associated with mobile phones are that they can be used to engage in unacceptable behaviour.  For example, hackers can track a phone’s location and record calls by knowing the phone number.  Texting while driving can also cause distraction and distracted driving can cause accidents.  Despite these adverse effects of using mobile phones, the study also found lots of other positive results.  Some of these are the location of a mobile phone can be determined when the phone is put on.  Also, mobile phones can make one’s life comfortable and secure while in an emergency, and can also be used as a safety device.  The researchers confirmed these and many more effects of using mobile phones which are contained in the literature.


Keywords:  mobile phone, cell phone, smart phone, positive effect, negative effect,