Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development

ISSN 2360-798X

Growth evaluation of rehabilitated mangroves in Indonesia with special emphasis on relationship with soil and hydrological conditions


Accepted 8th July, 2014


Mangrove rehabilitation in Indonesia had been carried out since decades ago in many islands.  Growth evaluation of rehabilitated mangrove after planting is essential for a better on-going and plan of rehabilitation managements. In this study, the growth of rehabilitated mangrove stands at four locations of mangrove rehabilitation areas in Indonesia (Riau and Lampung of Sumatera Island, Cilacap of Java Island and Sanur of Bali Islands) were evaluated.  The study focused on the assessment of mangrove growth,   its relationship with soil and hydrological conditions.  Growth indicated by parameters of plant height, stem diameter, crown volume and biomass production was higher in  mangrove stands grown in Riau and Lampung of Sumatra Islands than  those grown in Cilacap of Java and Sanur of Bali Islands. Soil properties and hydrological condition of each location of rehabilitated mangrove areas might be factors responsible for the discrepancy among the   growth of mangrove in Sumatera, Java and Bali.   Mangrove soil in Sumatera was more fertile and hydrological site conditions were more suitable for optimal mangrove growth. In a rehabilitated area located at intertidal seaward zones such as in Cilacap of Java, it would be better to be planted salinity tolerant mangrove species of Avicennia marina and Sonneratia alba, rather than only planted Rhizhopora apiculata.


Keywords: Mangrove, rehabilitation, growth, soil- hydrology, Rhizophora