Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

Teacher professionalism: A case from Sissala East District, Upper West Region, Ghana.


Accepted 13th January, 2014

The production of a storyline connecting issues of policy coherence with reference to reform initiatives designed to enhance teacher professionalism is the central purpose of this article. The storyline is synthesised from conversations with Ghana Education Service (GES) stakeholders and educational leaders about their opinions concerning the Ghana Education Service and teacher support towards policy implementation within the Sissala East District. Teacher professionalism has been taken out of a larger research work on “Implementation of Initiatives in Ghanaian Education: The effect on rural Ghanaian junior high schools” (Inkoom, 2012). The article articulates background data about demographic details of teachers in the Sissala East District; their professional development; teaching and learning, facilities and resources; and, issues of teacher deployment within GES and teacher education.


Keywords: Teachers, professionalism, interventions, potential, commitment, motivation.