Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

Literacy for comprehension as a means of facilitating students’ improved academic performance across the curriculum.


Accepted 16th January, 2017


This paper adopts the position that it is imperative for teachers to get the teaching of literacy for comprehension correctly as this can impact students’ academic performance across all curriculum areas. Students need to be taught literacy for comprehension and learning rather than the mere repetition of words or writing in rote mode. Students who lack this competency cannot achieve their full academic potential.  Granted, students may become experts at cutting and pasting from material on the Internet and may even get good marks for their assignments; however, they do not develop the skills or competencies needed to apply what they have been taught and hopefully learnt. In the process of applying what has been taught students’ brains come alive as they enter the realm of imagination and creativity.


Keywords: literacy, comprehension, learning, curriculum, imagination, creativity