Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

Teacher, Teaching Theory and Bruner’s Cognitive Perspective: A Review of Trend

*Corresponding Author:   El-yakubu LS ,     Received:8/6/2022| Accepted: 10/6/2022 |Published: 16/6/2022

Abstract: Bruner’s theory is viewed as a discovery theory of teaching where learners are directed through exploring and manipulating objects to perform activities in the classroom. The paper tried to look at the definition of teacher, teaching and theory by scholars and philosophers in the field of education. What is theory and various views from school of thought, the meaning of nature of teaching as cited by Smith, 1963 and Bruner, 1966, the Bruner’s cognitive of instruction, which is said to be based on ideas and assumption. The theory described how learning is carried out through cognitive process, curiosity, conceptualization, development of cognitive and knowledge. The paper x-ray the implication of the theory on the teachers, teaching and students which help them to achieve the ultimate goals of knowledge, the paper also propose three process through which teaching can be successful  that is pre- disposition to learn, sequencing of the presented materials and  providing due re-enforcement.


Keywords:   Teacher, Teaching, Theory, Bruner Cognitive and   Perspective

Published by  GERJ                      ISSN: 2360-7963

Published by  GERJ

                     ISSN: 2360-7963