ISSN 2360-798X
Accepted 13th February, 2017
Pre scaling of transitional locally made bee hive technology package conducted in Adaberga, Gindeberet and Jeldu Woreda, Oromia region, Ethiopia with the main objective of disseminate technology package. As to the method, these Woredas selected purposively based on potentiality of the Woredas in beekeeping and non addressed areas with technology dissemination activity. Farmers research and extension groups (FREG) were used for technology dissemination. One FREG which contain 10 beekeepers established at each pre-scaling up site and there is one site in each selected Village Administration. Accordingly, two sites at Adaberga, four at Gindeberet and four at Jeldu Woreda selected. Backyard of model beekeepers used as center of learning and technology dissemination. At each sites, farmers development agents and experts trained, four transitional locally made bee hives with ant protection constructed, honey bee colony transferred to it and continuous honey bee colony follow up activities undertaken in partnership with FREG member, development agents and experts. Quantitative data collected for three honey seasons and analyzed using descriptive statics such as percentage and mean and presented in table. Qualitative data also collected and analyzed through explanation of idea, opinion and concept explanation method. As to the result, honey yield which ranges from 10.25kg/hive/season to 37kg/hive/season was harvested from pre-scaling up colonies and mean honey yield per hive per season at Adaberga, Gindeberet and Jeldu Wored was 16.1, 19.8 and 14.4 kg/hive/season respectively. It can be concluded that yield per hive at beekeeper’s backyard can be improved if transitional locally made bee hive package used. Therefore, livestock office should give attention to the dissemination of technology package.
Keywords: Pre scaling up, transitional locally made bee hive, package, FREG, improved beekeeping