Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

Prospective Mathematics teachers’ perception about ICT integration in mathematics instruction in Ghana


Accepted 29th August, 2014


This research explored prospective teachers’ perceptions of integrating information communication technologies (ICTs) into mathematics instruction and how their perception relates to their willingness to integrate technology. To this end, a survey of 126 prospective teachers in the University of Education Winneba was conducted. The survey provided data concerning their perception of the usefulness of ICT in mathematics instruction, their willingness to integrate ICT tools and their self perceived readiness to integrate ICT in their future instructional practice. The reliability scales (Cronbach’s Alpha values) for the survey instrument was 0.726. The analysis of data included descriptive statistics and correlation between prospective teachers’ perceived importance of technology and reported levels of willingness to integrate ICT. Results revealed relatively positive perception (M=3.85, SD=0.38) and willingness to Integrate ICT (M=3.62, SD=0.40). A significant positive correlation (r = 0.534, p = 0.000) was found between the perception of prospective teachers and their wiliness to use ICT in their future instructional practice. The Curriculum Research Development Division (CRDD) of the Ghana Education Service must as a matter of necessity re-examine the mathematics curriculum and revise the existing syllabus to explicitly state what ICT tools must be used and how it should be used in the teaching and learning process. This will enable teachers who have positive perception about the pedagogical usefulness of ICT to take advantage of the provisions made in the curriculum to integrate ICT in their instruction.


Keywords: Prospective teachers’ perceptions, information communication technologies, mathematics instruction, Ghana