Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

Do Learners Prefer Playing to Learning?


Accepted 5th November, 2019.


We have all been learners before and still learning. Learners have two forms or divided attitudes. Attitude towards learning and that of playing. They have specific time to exhibit each of them. You realize that, they have specialized fond for playing when it is break or closing. In the classroom too, they exhibit withdrawing fond for learning when lessons are busily going on.Learners are found with this withdrawing’s fond when assignments and exercises are given in classroom. They seem to wish always break is near, so they show some sort of play syndrome in their learning environment. The distinction in their style of learning and that of play is very clear. It can be said that, learners would pick play to learning. That is an assumed fact,and exists in reality too.


Keywords: Learners, withdrawal, Playing, and Learning.