International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Architecture, Tourism and African Values


Accepted 24th June, 2021.


Architecture and tourism remain two distinct and complimentary phenomena in the history and development of humanity. Architecture promotes tourism, national values, including culture, social, economic and technological advancement, hence, it’s importance in the overall development of man and society may not be relegated to the background. However, architecture and tourism contribute significantly to the development of African values including principle of designs, construction and ornamentation of buildings with aesthetic awareness that inspire and synergize tourism and development of mankind. Observation, Primary, Secondary sources of data collation are used to achieve the objectives of the study. Some of the findings include: architecture is an integral part of visual arts that promotes creativity, tourism, cultural values as well as technology. It is a science of designing buildings and environments with huge consideration for their aesthetic effects and awareness which promote African values and others. These are followed by conclusion and recommendations for futuristic focus.


Keywords: Architecture, Tourism, Values.