Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

The Abundance of Phytoplankton In River Nggada and River Ngadda-Bul, Maiduguri Metropolis, Borno State, Nigeria


Accepted 20th July, 2019


The study was aimed at exploring and studying the ecology of phytoplankton of some selected water bodies in Maiduguri metropolis by increasing existing bio-limnological knowledge on their ecology and the effect of hysic-chemical parameters of the water bodies on their abundance. The study was limited to identification of phytoplankton and the effects of Physico-chemical parameters such as pH, Temperature, TDS, Nitrate concentration, Phosphate concentration, Sulphate concentration and DO on phytoplankton of River Nggada and River Nggadabul, Maiduguri. The studies found that phosphate being a limiting factor together with nitrogen (nitrite), aid the growth, development and subsequent abundance of phytoplankton but yet in Sampling Stations were sulphate concentration was high, it tends to inhibit their abundance and distribution even when phosphate and nitrite concentration was high. The study recommends ecotoxicological studies on the effect of sulphate concentration in aquatic ecosystem with special reference to the plankton and the review of the highest permissible limit of sulphate concentration in surface water bodies set by NESREA.


Keywords: Phytoplankton, River Nggada and River Ngadda-Bul, Maiduguri, Borno State, Nigeria