Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

The Gift of Nature from Land in Efionayi Community: Abandonment of Best for Good!


Accepted 26th July, 2017.

Land is a free gift from nature for the purpose of man and animal. The importance is better appreciated when natural resources are embedded in it or better still when it is used for the purpose of sane creature! In Edo State the product was used to the betterment of all when the government farmed on it before and after independent in 1960 to provide surplus food for its people. But with the discovering of petrol dollar the reverse was the case. To acquire land in Edo State is at the mercy of the government (Edo) and community warlords, i.e community Development Association chairmen, who the State recognized. Community Development Associations have done quite well recently in allocating land to their people to raise structures over their heads but not without some reservations. Interestingly, the allotment of  Reserved land to community by the State  and federal government without proper documentation and  due process followed,  in other words, to check whether if it is important to do so create more projects (road constructions, health care, market, school, security, water and wastage of electricity} for its  and coming administrations! Hence government agencies are advice to take insufficiency of government revenue into consideration before doing the latter. And finally posit that government should invest in agriculture for food sufficiency before oil dried off in the shores of Nigeria and  before oil becomes irrelevant to our Western buyers.


Keywords: Land,  Efionayi Community, Edo State.