Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

Participation in Literacy Programmes of Non-Formal Education in the Wa Municipality: The Role of Inducement Factors

Literacy is a panacea to a nation’s development, however, literacy rates in many developing countries including Ghana are low and this has led to the implementation of Non-Formal Educational Programmes to reverse the situation. Despite the establishment of these programmes, little is known on the factors that induce participation. This study therefore focused on the role of inducement factors in influencing participation in Non-Formal Education (NFE) in the Wa Municipality. The sample size of the study was 69 constituting 65 participants selected through simple random and 4 staff of NFE selected using purposive sampling. Data was collected using semi-structured questionnaire and interview guide while analysis was done using cross tabulations, frequencies, percentages, descriptions and narrations. The results showed that learning new skills (i.e., reading and writing), availability of properly trained facilitators, becoming a good role model for children, improving one’s self image and enjoying social interaction are the major inducement factors influencing participation in NFE. It is recommended that to ensure more people are motivated to enroll and stay in the programme until the cycle ends regular orientation programmes should be organized for the participants and accompanied by adequate publicity on the major inducement factors to the target population.

Keywords: Non-formal education, participation, inducement factors, literacy programme, rural and urban