Global Research Journal of Public Health and Epidemiology

ISSN 2360-7920

Clients Consenting to be Involved in Partners in Recovery Program; ABCD Process of Community Development.


Accepted 23rd September, 2016 


This is a review of the skills required by Partners in Recovery (PIR) facilitators that enable the complex needs community, and its members, to provide informed consent to participate. PIR is a program to coordinate support for people (including their carers and families) with complex needs; primarily severe and persistent mental illness. A community development approach is used as the framework to examine these skills and their effects.  The theoretical basis for these skills is the Action Based Community Development approach (ABCD), which identifies collecting stories, organising a core group, mapping resources, carers and service provider, building community vision, and linking resources to enable development from within and external to the community.  PIR facilitator’s require knowledge of these skills to obtain informed consent from clients and stake holders within the complex needs community.


Keywords: Clients, Partners in Recovery, Action Based Community Development approach.