Global Educational Research Journal

ISSN 2360-7963

Local Weaving in Nigerian Tertiary Institutions with Focus on the Views of Textile Erudites in Enugu State

Abstract: Textile weaving art has been in practice before the advent of the Europeans and its importance to society cannot be undermined. This paper revisited the local weaving in Nigerian tertiary institutions with a focus on the views of textile erudites in Enugu State. The study adopted a descriptive research design. In order to elicit appropriate responses; structured questionnaire was used by the researcher - “Erudites View of the State of Local Weaving in Nigerian Education” (EVSLWNE). The questionnaire comprised two sections. Section A sought for demographic data of respondents. Section B has two sub-sections. Subsection 1 comprised ten statements considered as challenges to local weaving in Nigerian tertiary institutions. Subsection 2 contained ten statements that were considered as major factors that mar effective teaching and learning of local weaving in Nigerian institutions. The respondents indicated the level of agreement or disagreement with each of the statements in each section on a five-point scale: Strongly Agree (‘AS,), Agree (A), Disagree (D), Strongly Disagree (SD), Undecided (UND). Data were presented in frequency tables. The research questions were answered using mean and standard deviation, the results of the findings revealed a deficit of modern and local looms, pitiable conditions of existing local looms due to lack of maintenance, and insufficient man power among others. The educational implications of the findings were discussed and appropriate recommendations were made.


Keywords: Local loom. Nigeria, Weaving, Technology, Tertiary education