Journal of Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development

ISSN 2360-798X

Institutional Environment Affecting Capacity of Fish Farmer Organisations in Dowa and Mchinji Districts in Central Malawi.


Accepted 6th March, 2017

This study describes the influence of institutional environment on performance of farmer organisations to promote fish farming among local communities. Data collection comprised face to face interviews and focus group discussions with members of the farmer groups. Key informant interviews with leaders of farmer groups and extension workers were also conducted. Data were analysed using content analysis, critical discourse analysis and descriptive statistics. The study had highlighted the major influence of some of the main factors within the institutional environment which affect performance of the fish farmer organisations in the study area. These included market infrastructure, external organisations and other members within the local community where the farmer organisations operated. Another study with a larger sample of farmers and farmer organizations should be carried out as a follow-up to this study to provide more empirical findings on the institutional environment affecting fish farmer organisations.


Keywords: Institutional environment, markets, collective action, fish farming, farmer organizations