Psychological distress is characterized as an emotional state of suffering that impairs an individual's ability to cope with a specific set of circumstances
Dosumu AT., Akpunne BC , Olusa AO., Ahmed OO., Kumuyi DO.
Page: 1 - 9
Public Health and Epidemiology
Original Research Article
Biodiesel is a renewable alternative to fossil fuels with less environmental impact.
Olaye M., Egunbambi MW, James GJ
Page: 71 - 78
Engineering Research Journal
Engineering Research
This study explores the essential role of parents in fostering educational achievement among children in rural Nigerian communities.
Itedjere EC
Page: 36 - 46
Journal of Arts and Humanities
Original Research Article
This study investigates the effectiveness of teacher training programs in Nigeria, with a specific focus on their impact on educators' pedagogical skills and the subsequent
Itedjere EC
Page: 54 - 61
Educational Research Journal
Original Research Article
The environment is constantly evolving; this has forced organizations to find ways of coping in order to survive.
Mandere NJA
Page: 47 - 58
Journal of Arts and Humanities
Original Research Article
he commitment to extreme violence is what distinguishes a terrorist from other forms of extremists. Violent extremism refers to the beliefs and actions of people
Onyari AJ
Page: 28 - 35
Journal of Arts and Humanities
Original Research Article
This study investigates the relationship between school infrastructure and student academic performance in Nigeria,
Itedjere EC.
Page: 45 - 53
Educational Research Journal
Original Research Article
his paper argues that character, emotional maturity, and resilience are a foundation to effective leadership, more than conventional competencies such as technical expertise and management acumen.
Mandere NJA
Page: 22 - 27
Journal of Arts and Humanities
Original Research Article
Researchers wanted to find out what happened to the fish's growth, weight, and feed conversion rate when spinach leaf was fed instead of ascorbic acid to young Clarias gariepinus.
Prof. Azubuike A.C.
Page: 12 - 18
Agricultural Research and Review
Original Research Article
his seminar evaluates the effects of enzyme supplementation on broiler chickens' nutrient digestibility and growth performance.
Werku T., and Lema F.
Page: 1 - 11
Plant and Animal Sciences
Original Research Article