ISSN 2384-5058
Abstract: The mean monthly global solar radiation for Makurdi and its environs (Latitude 70 7’N and longitude 80 6’E) was estimated using the maximum temperature data taken at Air Force Base, Makurdi. The solar radiation (W/m2), hours of bright sunshine and maximum temperatures were measured hourly from 0600H to 1800H daily for Nine (9) years from 2003 to 2012. The mean global solar radiation, hours of bright sunshine and maximum temperature were 235.96 W/m2, 15.03 hours and 33.96 0C respectively. The highest solar radiation of 276.43 W/m2, highest bright sunshine hours of 7.0hrs and the highest maximum temperature of 38.50C was in the month of march while the lowest solar radiation of 193.18W/m2, lowest hours of bright sunshine of 3.4hrs and lowest maximum temperature of 30.40C was in August. The maximum temperature was measured with an instrument called zeal while the solar radiation was measured with an instrument called Gunn-Bellani in ml and later converted to Watts per meter squared. It is concluded among other things that the temperature increases as solar radiation intensity increases.
Keywords: Estimation, Solar Radiation, Maximum temperature, Makurdi, Environs, Nigeria