International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Examination of the Contributions of Educational Stakeholders in Ensuring Secondary Schools Safety in Southern Kebbi State, Nigeria


Accepted 17th June, 2021


The study examined the contributions of educational stakeholders in ensuring secondary schools safety in southern kebbi state, Nigeria. School safety is what makes an individual student feel comfortable, accepted, associated, and integrated freely within the school environment and use all aspects of the school in other to achieve perfect learning. And to achieve this, the school environment must be designed to accomplish this purpose. All educational stakeholders’ action, interest and effort are expected to create desirable school safety. Similarly, their inaction can result in schools been unsafe, in terms of social, academic and the environment which can easily affect learning, teaching, discipline, trust and undermine the manifest goals of the school and its activities. Four research questions and four objectives were used to guide the study which examined the views and roles played by educational stakeholders in ensuring school safety. Three theories were highlighted as follows: the theory of safety, the sociological theory and the theory of trust which was what the researcher based his work on. The study adopted a descriptive survey, the population of the study, for students were 1, 2761, teachers constituted 631 while parents formed 80 respondents and Zonal Education Boards Members were 15. The instrument used for data collection was checklist and interview. The interview was recorded, transcribed and used according to the frame to code the data and link them to different themes. And for the checklist, alpha Cranach was used to determining the reliability index of the instrument, through personal visitation of the researcher. Data were collected and analyzed using frequency distribution count, tables and percentage. The results of the study  revealed among others, that  educational stakeholders contributed substantially in promoting schools safety in the study area through financial contributions to erect school fence, provision of school facilities and their maintenance, addressing the issue of overcrowded classes, provision  of Guidance and Counseling services and first aid boxes etc. It is recommended that  School authorities should  provide ways in which students can report any unwanted behavioral acts, that may hinder the safety of the school, for example by providing a student suggestion box, for the students to lay complaints and make suggestions, the student needs to be included in the PTA meetings so that they too, can contribute their quota, or here their complaints, also parents and  community members should be enlightened on the importance of attending PTA meetings.


Keywords: Examination, Contributions, Educational Stakeholders, Secondary Schools Safety