ISSN 2360-7971
Abstract: Pre-extension and demonstration of drainage technology (broad bed and furrow) with farmers' practice for black cumin (Nigella sativa) on Vertisols was carried out in Abeshige district of Gurage Zone, during 2020 and 2021cropping season. The main objective of the study was to create awareness on the availability and importance of black cumin on vertisols and to create awareness on the importance, knowledge and skill of drainage technology usage for production of the black cumin. The demonstration was undertaken on ten farmers’ field with plot sized of 10m x 10m for each practice using recommended seed and fertilizer rates. The result showed that, drainage practice performed better (795 kg/ha) than farmers’ practice (510 kg/ha). The yield advantage of the drainage technology over farmer practice was 55.8%. ’In addition to yield advantage, all participant farmers have selected the drainage technology. Thus, it is important to proceed to scaling up/out of the technology in all demonstration sites and similar agro-ecologies and soil type elsewhere.
Keywords: BBF, Farmers’ preference, Waterlogging, Selection criteria