Advanced Research Journal of Biochemistry and Biotechnology

Imperative role of fibronectin binding proteins in cell adhesion and invasion: An overview


Accepted 27th March, 2015


The Cell adherence proteins are critical important as access of pathogens into the host cells depend upon the interaction between the host cell surface markers and the pathogen’s surface ligands.  The microbial pathogen entry initiate when it interact with  host and that host-pathogen interaction  assist  by some host specific constituents such as Fibronectin (Fn) as well as pathogen’s  own cell surface adhesion molecules itself.  The fibronectin has been known as adhesive glycoproteins that support binding to bacterial cell surface adhesions proteins; that proteins are known as Fibronectin Binding Proteins (FnBPs).  Although Fn and FnBP association has been studied for more than decennium, these remarkably complex molecules are still the subject of exciting discoveries.  Moreover, the roles of FnBPs during bacterial colonization and in pathogenesis still a major challenge in the host-pathogen interaction biology.  In this review, we summarize the importance of FnBPs of both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria in host-pathogen interaction and how these cell-specific adhesions protein contributes in cell invasion with their an imperative role in colonization, and establishment of infection.  FnBP should be useful as a novel therapeutics, by targeting fibronectin binding genes or antibodies to FnBPs, that helpful in reducing bacterial colonization and pathogenesis.


Keywords: Fibronectin, Fibronectin binding protein, Gram -positive bacteria, Gram- negative bacteria, Extracellular membrane, Epithelium.