International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Shrinking Shrines and Expanding Altars: A Critical Study of Contemporary Trends in Religious Practices in Nigeria

Abstract: In this study, we examine the two terms shrine and altar in their denotative meaning and in their contradictive nature. A conceptual clarification is given to establish the view we intend to pass across to our numerous readers. A literature review on similar subjects were used to clarify the justification of the research topic and to point out that Christian evangelisms were intimately part of those factors that led to the shrinking shrines and the expanding altars in our global society today as most people especially our youth consider it a mark of civilization and enlightenment when they embrace Christianity at the expense of the traditional religions. To make the research a holistic set up, we gave some factors responsible for shrinking shrines and expanding altars in our communities and in the world at large. To protect and preserve our shrinking shrines, we conclude that the excesses of our expanding altars should be checked by those in authorities at all levels.

Keywords: Shrines, Altars, Religious Practices, Nigeria.