International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Science and Technology in Countering Terrorism in the Horn of Africa: A Case Study of Kenya and Somalia

Abstract:  The twenty-first century has brought to light the value of technology more than ever before, and this has come in the wake of the fact that science and technology have greatly contributed to the creation of new knowledge to boost the prosperity of human beings. Terrorism as a phenomenon is a tool that is often designed to create terror in some population. It should be acknowledged from the onset that no state can consider itself immune from the threat of terrorism. Violent extremism involves the use of violence to create a general atmosphere of chaos and fear in a given population and thereby to bring about a particular political, social, and/or religious objective. Therefore, early prevention of violent extremism and radicalisation is not achievable for the state and military services alone. Automation, big data, artificial intelligence, and extended reality are examples of science, technology, and innovation. Technology that comes from societies that are in themselves under threat from internal and external influences, and where alternate (and legal) means of expression are banned or methodically suppressed, will have the third terrorism neceal-Shabaabsity. There is a spillover attacks into Kenya saw the terror group establish training bases in the Boni Forest locality. In response, Kenya deployed multi-agency forces under the Operation Amani Boni. Yet use of technology in this area to counter violent extremism suffered a dearth of research. Despite the efforts by the county stakeholders, it was imperative to deploy security forces to flush out terror groups. This leads to the scholarly quest to know whether counterterrorism strategies put in place are effective or not and, to what extent, that technology is doing right to counter terrorism via defence force in Somalia.. 


Keyword: Cyber, Critical Infrastructure, Terrorism, Deterrence, Civil Society.