Spring International Engineering Research Journal

ISSN 2384-5058

Comprehensive Analysis of Crude Oil Sludge Management: Advances in Treatment, Sustainable Disposal, and Future Perspectives

Abstract: A prevalent occurrence of hazardous pollutants generated by the crude oil industry is known as crude oil sludge. Crude oil sludge is a persistent issue that reduces the capacity for storing oil and has corrosive consequences. The cost of removing and disposing of sludge is part of the economic impact; the cost of disposing of ecologically harmful waste is more expensive. Recently, there has been significant difficulty with the handling and disposal of sludge generated from crude oil. This technical study offers information on different procedures utilized in the processing and management of petroleum sludge. A comprehensive exploration of different approaches employed for crude oil sludge treatment and disposal is provided, encompassing processes like biodegradation, oxidation, stabilization/solidification, and cremation. Additionally, various techniques used in order to extract oil from petroleum sludge, many techniques including techniques like surfactant EOR, ultrasonic irradiation, freeze-thaw, centrifugation, froth flotation, solvent extraction, electro-kinetic method, microwave irradiation, and pyrolysis, were thoroughly reviewed and analyzed. The advantages and drawbacks of each method were critically assessed, culminating in recommendations for the economically feasible disposal of this environmentally challenging substance, exploring alternative options. 


Keywords: Crude Oil Sludge, Hazardous waste, Sludge disposal, Crude Oil Sludge Treatment