International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998



Accepted 12th August, 2018


Maggot Dance is a collection of poems about a decaying society. In this collection of poems, the author wrote different poems divided into four parts: Aperitif , Maggot Dance , Man  and Postscript. Each of these parts have series of titles. “Aperitif” presents poems with the titles: A Poet’s Prayer, It Resonates, this Name, The Euphoria, Oddities, Deification, Naughty Nuts. The second parts, "Maggot Dance" features titles such as: The Victims, The Beautiful one, Rampaging Midriffs, The Scourge, The Upcoming Lords, Let’s Privatize, Twenty Fifty-Six, Maggot Dance I, Maggot Dance II, A Pain in the Neck, Acquiescence, Sometimes when it Rains, And Our Ivory Towers Too?, The Foggy Road, Leather Patriotism, Illusions, Moral Burden, Mothers, Scarlet Skirts, Masquerades, The New Waves, A New Church Each Day, Our Curious Pot-Pourri, The Benevolent Minimalists, These Violated Altars, Sowing and Reaping. The next is the part: “Man” featuring titles: Man, An All-wise One, The Macho-Tyrant, Snake Charmers, A Tale of the Eel, Silent Serpents, Our Ageless Fat Cat, Poachers, Pharaohs, To Her Lofty Highness,This Ill-Will Makes us Grow, But She is the Witch, Building Bridge, Why are we so Cosmetic? and They Love to Play. The last part is “Postscript” which captures just three titles: Consecration, Folly  and Making the Omelette.


Keywords: Aperitif, Maggot Dance, Man and  Postscript.