International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

The Leadership Question in Nigeria politics: A Look at Ola Rotimi's 'Kurumi'

Abstract: This study explored The Question Of Nigeria Leadership In Ola Rotimi’s Kurumi. The Marxian Theories of Aesthetics and Arts provide the theoretical nexus for the inquiry. The study adopted the content analysis method for the collection of its primary data. Secondary data was generated through the review of relevant literature on the topic. The study observed that Rotimi is a committed dramatist cum social commentator who uses the play in focus to interrogate the perennial leadership debacle in Nigeria. By exposing the inherent weaknesses of the Nigerian leadership model, the dramatist ultimately points the direction the society should go. The study recommended among other that it is time for those Nigerian playwrights who still hold the view of art for art sake to join forces with the pragmatic school and use their arts to interrogate and proffer solutions to social problems so as to rescue the Nigerian society from imminent derailment. 

Keywords: Politics, leadership, Ola Rotimi, Nigeria