Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

ISSN 2360-7955

Quantitative Assessment and Environmental Implications of Hazardous Crude Oil Waste in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Abstract: Generation of hazardous crude oil waste from its production and exploration have had a detrimental effect on the host populations' environments of Niger Delta of Nigeria. In this study, analysis of crude oil exploration waste generation in Nigeria Niger Delta was carried out. Waste component samples generated from an Oil servicing company from a time period, 2012 to 2019 was analyzed. The waste categories were non-hazardous recyclable waste (NHRW), non-hazardous non-recyclable waste (NHNRW), hazardous recyclable waste (HRW), others waste (OW), and hazardous burnable waste (HBW). The study revealed that 654, 955 tons of non-hazardous recyclable waste (NHRW), 3,081,778 of non-hazardous non-recyclable waste (NHNRW), 94,946 tons of hazardous recyclable waste (HRW), 1,935,089 tons of others waste (OW), and 5,868,122 tons of hazardous burnable waste (HBW) were generated under the period considered. Besides, the continuous increase in volume of crude oil waste is an evidence of poor waste management with oil companies operating in the region.


Keywords: Niger Delta, Crude oil exploration, Production Waste, Hazardous Waste, Nigeria..