International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Catharsis, Idowu Akinrolabu’s Path to Self-Realization


Accepted 11th March, 2020.

For someone dealt a cruel blow by fate at a relatively younger age, one would have thought that Idowu Akinrolabu would resign to fate, but his exemplary attitude to life in the face of crippling obstacles/daunting challenges was not only remarkable, but also unusual. As a final year student of Geology at the University of Ife, now Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU), Ile-Ife, a wasting disease called Transverse Myelitis struck and turned a vibrant young man into a tetraplegic. Twelve years of hospitalization followed at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), four of which he spent as a patient of the Occupational Therapy Department, learning mouth-painting. Thirteen years after he left hospital, his life became a paean to the dignity of labour.


Keywords: Catharsis, Idowu Akinrolabu, Self-Realization.