International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Between Religion and Agriculture: A Roadmap to Revamping Nigeria’s Economy


Accepted 29th July, 2019.


This paper investigated“ Between Religion and Agriculture: A Roadmap to Revamping Nigeria’s Economy.” Religion is meant to affect all facets of life both at individual and community level. This applies equally to the economy of nations including Nigeria as a sovereign state. Petroleum which has been Nigeria’s main stay economically over the past five decades have proved to be not a sustainable means of income to the country in recent times. With the fluctuation on oil price with its attendant nose diving, Nigeria is bound to have a rethink over her means of economic stay. This informs the thrust of this paper which looks at revamping Nigeria’s economy from the religious perspective. Using the creation accounts in Genesis Chapter one and two, this paper which looks at the original divine mandate given to humanity in the days of creation; it draws a conclusion that this economic mandate was agriculturally based. Hence, this paper, using hermeneutical approach to the study of scripture and content analysis research methodology calls on all ecclesial bodies to promote the agricultural sector not only as the way of revamping Nigeria’s economy but as a positive response to the divine mandate. Apart from adding to the body of interpretations of the texts under review, the contribution of this paper to knowledge is its application of these texts to the Nigerian economy.


Keywords: Religion, Agriculture, Nigeria’s Economy.