International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

The History of Sea Resorts Along the Baltic Coast


Accepted 13th November, 2017

The history of sea resorts along the Baltic coast, was based on a lecture I held at a colloquium organized by the French Ministry of Culture in 2013, at the château de Cérisy in Normandy. The text was to be published on their website, yet after constant exchange of ministers of Culture since then it never was. It might be of interest to an Anglo American audience, as the roots of all Baltic Sea resorts stretching to nowadays Lithuania and Oblast Kaliningrad, refer to British predecessors.

Dr. phil. Marie-Louise von Plessen (Neustadt / Holstein 1950, FRG): historian, museologist and international curator (cultural history, museology and contemporary art) major exhibitions in Europe on themes of cultural and political transfer: p. e. 'Prince Eugene: General, philosopher and art lover' (Belvedere in Vienna 2010); 'Art and Design for All' (The Victoria and Albert Museum London, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn 2011-12 and Museum of Applied Arts, Budapest, 2012; The Rhine – A European Biography, Bundeskunsthalle Bonn 2016-17)