International Journal of Agricultural Research and Review

ISSN 2360-7971

Review on the impact of different vase solutions on the postharvest life of rose flower

Rose belongs to family Rosaceae and Genus Rosa which contains more than150 species and 400 cultivars. Roses are recognized highly valuable for economical benefits being the best source of raw material to be used in agro-based industry especially in the cosmetics and perfumery. There are about 10-30% losses due to post harvest damage in cut flowers. The major problem of the horticulture sector in general and the floriculture industry in particular is the postharvest loss. Hence the crops are being alive for a certain period but they are liable to deterioration and loss. It is clear that unless they are preserved the ultimate fate of such produce is senescence and/or death. However it is possible to extend the postharvest life of flowers by using different preservative solutions. Sucrose, Silver Thiosulfate and Aluminum sulfate enhanced the post harvest quality of cut roses as compared to control (distilled water). Sucrose and STS have better performance when used in combination. Further the incorporation of bactericide or fungicide will upgrade the performance of these vase solutions through their action on bacteria and fungi respectively.


Keywords: Rose, Rosaceae and Genus Rosa, cultivars, postharvest life of roses