International Journal of Agricultural Research and Review

ISSN 2360-7971

Effect of Chemical Farming on Wealth Creation and Food Security among Rural Households in Northwest Nigeria. A Review

Abstract: This paper reviewed the effect of chemical farming on wealth creation and food security among rural households in northwest Nigeria. Chemical farming has been adopted by many farmers because it's the faster way to get higher yields and create wealth. The paper also conceptualized food security and wealth creation. It also looked at wealth creation strategies and the effects of chemical farming to national development along with reasons why wealth creation is crucial to for rural household development. The article also showcases the role of chemical farming in combating pests, diseases and weeds towards improved food security and animal and wealth creation. Reasons for adoption of chemical farming and its role in food security and wealth creation was extensively discussed in the paper. It as well assessed the disastrous effects of chemical farming to both crops, human and soil health.


Keywords: Effect, Chemical farming, Wealth creation, Food security, Rural household