International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Arts and Tourism in Developing Economy: Prospects in Nigeria


Accepted 9th March, 2020.

Arts and Tourism are important to a nation’s economy. As such, the culture-related industries, also known as “creative industries,” provide direct economic benefits to Nigeria. Arts and Tourism create jobs, attract investments, generate tax revenues, and stimulate economies. Since these enhance quality of life, arts and tourism are important complement to Nigeria’s development, enriching local amenities and attracting young professionals to an area. To help the country realizes her full potential and economic benefits of arts and tourism sector, Nigerian government must identify the pivotal creative industries or clusters in Nigeria. Then she can adopt strategies that support and strengthen these industries. The creative industries offer numerous benefits to Nigeria’s economy, and the country has the opportunity to both improve livability and boost the nation economy by investing in the sector. This paper offers insights to help Nigerian government incorporate arts and tourism in the nation’s economic development strategies and tips on how to understand and measure his creative industries, develop plans to capitalize on the benefits of those industries, and provide support that helps sustain the contributions of arts and tourism sector.


Keywords: Arts and Tourism, Developing Economy, Nigeria