ISSN 2360-7955
Abstract: The morphology of the shells of different large fresh water snails collected from Fanchan paddy fields in July and August at the heights of the rainy season was studied in order to identify the snails. All the one hundred and fifty snails are made up of different species of the family Ampullariidae. Most of the snails were found attached to rice plants and were collected by handpicking. Morphometric readings were taken using a digital vernier caliper. Their heights range from 13.1 to 66.8mm. Fadama has the highest average shell height (48.92 mm). Fanchan Right has the lowest average (33.11 mm) while Fanchan Left has 40.31 mm. The highest value for shell height, shell width, spire height, aperture length, Aperture width, were recorded in Fadama. While the least value for all of these morphometric characters were obtained from Fanchan right. Power BI was used to plot the bar chart to show averages of shell height and shell widths for the three locations where the snails were collected from. These results might reflect differences in environmental conditions, nutrition availability, or other factors that affect shell growth at the different locations. There is need for more research on these snails for proper identification and control strategy. Keywords: Ampullariidae, Freshwater habitat, paddy fields, Morphometry, Fanchan