International Journal of Soil and Crop Sciences

Invitro and Invivo Control of Cowpea anthracnose caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthainum using extracts of Indigenous Plants.


Accepted 13th July 2016


Laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the effects of hot water extracts of six indigenous plants: Tridax procumbens, Jatropha gossypifolia, Sida acuta, Blighia sapida, Ricinus communis and Datura stramonium on the growth of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in the laboratory and subsequent control of the disease on the field. Result from the experiment shows that all the plants extracts reduced the growth rate of C. lindemuthianum. D. stramonium was the most effective followed by R. communis and J. gossypifolia while B. sapida caused the least inhibition of growth. Similarly, the extracts reduced the incidence and severity of the disease on the field. The study showed that the plant extracts have the potentials for the control of anthracnose disease of cowpea.


Keywords: C. lindemuthianum, Plant extracts, Growth rate, Disease Incidence and Severity.