International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

A Study on the Food Crop Economy Among the Tarok Women in Langtang South Area of Plateau State Nigeria, 1948-1991

Abstract: Over the years, women have been subjected to all kinds of deprivation in many spheres, but more worrisome is the plight they face particularly in agricultural production. In Plateau state, women have engaged in the food crop economy, but their activities have received little attention for reasons based on gender bias, and the customary belief system which sees a woman as only useful in reproduction and household chores. Thus, this paper examined the Tarok women in the food crop economy of the Lantang South area of Plateau State, from1948-1991.The Historical methodology was used in carrying out the research. The research revealed that the Tarok women in the Lantang South area did not only occupy a significant place in the food crop economy but have taken the leading role due to factors related to the tin mining operations in Jos. It therefore suggested that women should not only be considered in policies related to the agricultural sub-sector but be part of such process if the issue of rural poverty and food (in)security is to be taken seriously.

Keywords: women, food crop, land access, labour systems, agricultural practices