International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Assessing the moderating role of secular schooling in a structural model of HIV/AIDS media exposure, knowledge, attitude and practice using multi group PLS SEM analysis

Abstract: In African societies like northern Nigeria, formal schooling is a colonial transplantation with which the communities are still struggling to come to terms, which is a port for the propagation of Western civilization. Research on media and health practices suggests a correlation between knowledge, attitudes, and practices related to HIV/AIDS and media exposure, but there is a dearth of literature on the role of formal schooling in these interrelationships. such interrelationships.      While different models of investigating community health issues abound, the cognitive, affective, and behavioural approach surveyed as KAP seemed more attractive to researchers because of its ability to reveal plausible pathways to addressing health concerns, especially by identifying misconceptions about diseases and affective barriers or obstacles to prevention or etection. Researchers conducted a KAP survey on HIV/AIDS among 487 adolescent Islamiyya girls in Bauchi, Northern Nigeria, a predominantly Muslim community. The study finds that moderating does not directly predict HIV/AIDS practice; it does relate to the moderation of exposure to secular formal schooling. Exposure to HIV/AIDS media is a significant predictor of HIV/AIDS knowledge and attitudes. Thus, we concluded that media exposure is a necessary but not sufficient precursor to HIV/AIDS safe practice, and girls attending formal schools are more likely to comprehend mass media HIV/AIDS messages.


Keywords: Media Exposure; HIV/AIDS Knowledge; HIV/AIDS Attitude; HIV/AIDS Practice