International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

The Psychopath: Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?


Accepted 28th January, 2015.


For the last five and a half years I have taught security for the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services in Toronto, Canada. I have had to teach mental illness as a component of the course. I have also been engaged in several research projects related to international terrorism. I have made the study of crime one of my specialties. I have researched everything from the Jack the Ripper case to the Lincoln and Kennedy assassinations to more modern events like the Oklahoma Bombing and the 1985 Air India Bombing. I have also researched the criminal machinations behind 9/11, the Boston Marathon and the Sandy Hook false flag terrorist event. I have also had personal encounters with psychopaths. One of these close calls consisted of an encounter a psychopath masquerading as an author when I was the Editorial Director of a publisher in Toronto. He pretended to be kind and helpful and offered his services in terms of website design and editing to help out, so we thought. Instead he did everything in his power to sabotage the publishing company. He replaced edited manuscripts with unedited versions. He swapped passages from one book excerpt with those of another. He even sabotaged his own book by replacing the edited version with the unedited version. He would book meetings and fail to show up. He had a different excuse every week for why the website wasn't finished. The implications of this were serious because he had written a book about a serial killer called "Darkness on the Edge of Town". I remember telling my publisher that I thought he might be the hero of his own book. He would be reading it every time we had a business meeting. I began to suspect he was enjoying his own murder fantasies, even ones he might have already committed. I now suspect "Darkness on the Edge of Town" was his autobiography. Paul was a deeply sick man. One day I opened the paper and saw his face. It was a full page article. As I read through the article, I realized he had murdered his wife. I recall how Paul had no empathy in his eyes. They were opaque and dark. His smile seemed disarmingly fake and quite sinister. This I later discovered was because he was a low empathy psychopath. His obsession with his own book and writing showed that he had a narcissistic personality disorder, one of the major disorders of the psychopath. I have looked into the eyes of a psychopath and I will never forget it. I have seen evil up close and I would spot it without fail if i ever encountered again. I have seen the behavior pattern time and time again in the psychopaths I have met in my life, some physically dangerous, some merely psychologically dangerous, and I would recognize one if bumped into one at the drop of a hat..