International Journal of Arts and Humanities

ISSN 2360-7998

Biographical Phenomenology and Creative Imagination: A Study of Wole Soyinka’s The Interpreters as a Psychopathographical Test


Accepted 4th July, 2016


The Interpreters is a particularly cumbersome novel to read due to its polyphonic plot style and often psychotic portrayal of characters by the author. However, a biographical and psychoanalytical approach to the novel will enhance the reading and understanding of the novel as a symptom of the artist, and The Interpreters as a psychopathographic text. Therefore, in dealing with a psychopathographic text one needs to go beyond the margin of discourse to overcome the limits of verbalization encountered in everyday experience which in the case of The Interpreters are the narrative techniques, linguistic skills, plot sequence and characterization which Soyinka employs to convey his biographical experiences into the world of art.


Keywords: Biographical Phenomenology, Creative Imagination, Wole Soyinka, The Interpreters, Psychopathographical Test.