• International Journal of Soil and Crop Sciences

  • International Journal of Medical and Clinical Sciences

  • SJ international journal of economics and finance

  • Global Journal of Environmental Science and Technology

    ISSN 2360-7955

  • Global Research Journal of Marketing Management

Recent Articles

Levels of chemical parameters in the up-stream and downstream of Nyakomisaro tributary of River Kuja within Kisii town, Kisii County Kenya

Rapid population growth, urbanization, and increased consumption have exerted pressure on freshwater resources, particularly in urban areas.

Onchagwa MG, Kitur E., Manohar S.

Page: 16 - 30

Environmental Science and Technology

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Effects of electronic and mass media method of agricultural innovations information dissemination to enhance food security in Nigeria

This study surveyed the impact of electronic and mass media on information dissemination to farmers by agricultural extension

Dr. Kuza Y.

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Agricultural Research and Review

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Asset Integrity and Reliability: Data-Driven Non-parametric Test and Machine Learning Approach for Crude Oil Pressure Vesselsa

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Environmental Science and Technology

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Development and Validation of a Measure for Psychological Distress

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Efficient Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil Using Palm Kernel Shell-Derived Quicklime Catalyst: A Sustainable Approach with Optimal Reaction Conditions

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Assessing the Role of Parents in the Educational Achievement of Children in Rural Nigerian Communities

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Management of Strategic Change at National Crime Research Centre in Kenya

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Social Cohesion and Counter-Terrorism In The Case Of Kenya and Somalia

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